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Routing/pf (again)

Dear reader, 

recently I asked about routing to multiple destinations via different gateways. 
We've set up appropriate pf rules, but they seem to mostly be ignored. 

The appropriate parts are: 

pass out on $ext_if_fix reply-to ($ext_if_dsl $dsl_gw) proto tcp from any to 
any port www
pass in on wm4 route-to ($ext_if_fix $fix_gw) from $cps_adr to any
# pass out on $ext_if_dsl from $cps_adr route-to ($ext_if_fix $fix_gw)  

### filter ###
pass in proto icmp from any to any
pass in proto udp from any to any
pass in proto tcp from any to any
pass out proto icmp from any to any
pass out proto udp from any to any
pass out  proto tcp from any to any

But it appears that all traffic to port 80 still goes out via ext_if_fix 
instead of ext_if_dsl. 

We're on NetBSD 6.1.1/amd64, if that matters. 

I am rather at loss … 

Thank you,

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