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Re: cannot configure X in 6.1.2 (Michael van Elst) writes: ("Thomas Mueller") writes:

from Michael van Elst:

>I cannot beleive Xorg is so broken on netbsd-6 branch that I cannot
>configure ant X card. What is wrong with Xorg -configure?

Dunno about netbsd-6, but Xorg -configure is deprecated. Try without.

If Xorg -configure is deprecated, what does one use in its place?

Modern xorg is supposed to configure itself at startup, you can use it
without a configuration file.

Key phrase is "supposed to"...

It has been my experience that X (whether native or modular) usually
gets it wrong and that a config file is absolutely necessary.

This is most frequently seen by those of us who still use CRT displays.
I also tend to have to fight with it to use some PCIe video adapters.
It will find the card with '-configure', but fail to find it without.
(It invariably uses invalid device location syntax, so I have to patch
what was generated.)

Then, I can usually make it work.

|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS               NetBSD     Darwin/MacOS X
|\ / jdbaker[snail]mylinuxisp[flyspeck]com    OpenBSD            FreeBSD
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