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Bluetooth mouse not working

I have (for the first time) contact with a bluetooth mouse and it is not
working as I expected - now I'm not sure wether I'm doing something wrong,
the mouse is not behaving as expected (it works with Windows - but that
does not mean much), or there is a bug in NetBSD.

It is a Microsoft Wedge Touch thingy, and I got it responding to inquiry,
followed the guide and got it attaching a btms0 - at wihch point it should,
according to the guide, just work (tm). However, there is no reaction to
any movements or clicks.

First irritating things are a few kernel messages (see below), second is
the "btpin -p 0000" that the guide suggests, but MS documentation says you
won't need any auth for a mouse.

As a side node: my notebook has a bluetooth button which controlls power for
the internal ubt0. By default it is off (which fits my usage), but sometimes
I forget to activate it in time before /etc/rc.d/bluetooth is run. When I
power it on later, I need to manually do "/etc/rc.d/bluetooth restart".
Is that expected?

Ok, but mainly I'm looking for hints how to fix the main problem.



ubt0 at uhub3 port 4
ubt0: Broadcom Corp BCM2046 Bluetooth Device, rev 2.00/8.56, addr 3
cprng kernel: WARNING pseudorandom rekeying.
bthub0 at ubt0 local-bdaddr 00:26:5e:9b:f1:22
bthidev0 at bthub0 remote-bdaddr 7c:1e:52:68:73:c1 link-mode auth
bthidev0: reportid 18 not configured
bthidev0: reportid 22 not configured
bthidev0: reportid 23 not configured
btms0 at bthidev0 reportid 26: 5 buttons, W and Z dirs.
wsmouse1 at btms0 mux 0
bthidev0: reportid 31 not configured
bthidev0: reportid 34 not configured
bthidev0: reportid 36 not configured
bthidev0: reportid 39 not configured
bthidev0: disconnected
bthidev0: disconnected
ubt0: unknown handle 12! (losing track of 1 packet buffer)
bthidev0: disconnected
bthidev0: disconnected
bthidev0: disconnected
bthidev0: disconnected
bthidev0: disconnected

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