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Using NAME= as file system specification?

I see something about a new feature in HEAD branch, using 
NAME=<partition-label> in /etc/fstab .  Would this also work with mount
command, like
mount NAME=nb6i386root /mnt ?

Simpler in FreeBSD, like
mount /dev/gpt/<partition-label> /mnt (or whatever mount point).

I'm trying to avoid (mis)counting dk-wedges, could, for instance, newfs
(which would act as nukefs) the wrong partition.

Does this work only in NetBSD-HEAD (6.99.x), or can I use NAME= in
/etc/fstab in NetBSD 6 as well?

I tried looking through source code, but couldn't find any hint.

dk-wedge numbering can be disrupted by adding another GPT-partitioned drive,
including USB sticks and USB hard drives.


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