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Xen 3.3/NetBSD 5.1 DOM0: bridge not working if vcpus>1

Hi NetBSD-users.

Trying to bring up xen 3.3 on a Dell T110 [quad XEON, 8GB RAM] running NetBSD 5.1 amd64 DOM0. I installed the OS from CD, then xentools33 and xenkernel33 with pkg_add, and I got DOM0 working...
[root@voodoo(NetBSD)]> uname -a
NetBSD voodoo 5.1 NetBSD 5.1 (XEN3_DOM0) #0: Sat Nov 6 13:19:24 UTC 2010 amd64
[root@voodoo(NetBSD)]> xm list
Name                                        ID   Mem VCPUs      State   Time(s)
Domain-0                                     0  1024     1      r-----     25.6
[root@voodoo(NetBSD)]> ls -l /dev/xen*
crw-------  1 root  wheel  143, 0 Oct 11 14:19 /dev/xencons
crw-------  1 root  wheel  141, 0 Oct 11 14:19 /dev/xenevt
[root@voodoo(NetBSD)]> ls -l /etc/rc.d/xen*
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   293 Oct 11 15:28 /etc/rc.d/xenbackendd
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   629 Oct 11 15:28 /etc/rc.d/xend
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  3607 Oct 11 15:28 /etc/rc.d/xendomains

I created a big disk image file with dd...

[root@voodoo(NetBSD)]> ls -l /Xen/Disks/juju.img
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  966367641600 Oct 11 22:40 /Xen/Disks/juju.img

And have my bridge set up...

[root@voodoo(NetBSD)]> cat /etc/ifconfig.bridge0
!brconfig $int add bge0 up
[root@voodoo(NetBSD)]> ifconfig bridge0
bridge0: flags=41<UP,RUNNING> mtu 1500

I want to use HVM for transparency [over speed]... but if I use this config file [basic HVM with disk/memory/mac changes]...
kernel = "/usr/pkg/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader"
builder = "hvm"
memory = 4096
name = "juju"
vcpus = 4
vif = [
       'mac=00:16:3e:XX:XX:XX, type=ioemu, bridge=bridge0'
disk = [
device_model = '/usr/pkg/libexec/qemu-dm'

when I create it:

[root@voodoo(NetBSD)]> xm create -c /Xen/Machines/juju.cnf
Using config file "/Xen/Machines/juju.cnf".
Started domain juju
[root@voodoo(NetBSD)]> xm list
Name                                        ID   Mem VCPUs      State   Time(s)
Domain-0                                     0   256     1     r-----    222.0
juju                                         1  4096     1     -b----    155.2 comes up and , in a VNC window, I can watch it boot, find and configure /dev/re0, but I can't ping DOMU from anywhere and can't ping anywhere from DOM0.
Shutting down DOMU, changing vcpus to 1 [or commenting it out], 
then restarting DOMU... everything works fine. What am I missing?  Thanks.
Ron McDowell
San Antonio TX

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