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Re: alternative "info" reader (was: kernel makeoptions)

On Sun, 27 Feb 2011, Thomas Dickey wrote:

Thinking about it, there's little evidence that either info or manpages are superior to each other, while the ability to translate to html seems to imply that html is at least more malleable.
As a non-tangent, the previously mentioned pinfo reads man pages too, with 
hyperlinks where appropriate.  That got me thinking; it would be nice to 
have a standard tool (with a liberal license) that would read all these 
formats, ideally with the ability to switch between several open tabs 
since you often are reading a bunch of man pages at the same time...
Of course, there is such a tool, and it's called a "web browser".  (And 
Gnome has a special documentation browser, right?)  Seems like having 
something serving pages from http://localhost/ would be a useful standard 
component of a modern Unix system, along with something like lynx/links.

I used Debian for a while, and one of the greatest joys after switching (back) to NetBSD was suddenly having (gasp!) _actual man pages_ for the tools and parts of the operating system I was using, so I'm not arguing for an alternative to man pages or anything. Just thinking out loud.


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