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Re: PXE Booting problem

Thank you!

I'll get to it right now.
Will post results.

On 6/24/10 10:45 AM, matthew sporleder wrote:
On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 6:01 PM, Max León<>  
Hello everyone,
I wonder if you can help me out here.
I'm trying to boot a small appliance through PXE to install on it NetBSD.

Here is my dhcpd.conf:

default-lease-time 3600;
max-lease-time 7200;
option subnet-mask;
ddns-update-style ad-hoc;
option domain-name-servers 192.168.1.i
subnet netmask {
      option routers;
                option root-path "/tftpboot";
                filename "/pxeboot_ia32.bin";

I have tftp enabled on inetd and is indeed pointing to /tftpboot on the

Both files are present and pxeboot_ia32.bin has boot options modified so it
boots to com0.

I can see that the device get's an IP finds the tftp server, downloads the
pxeboot_ia.bin and reboots.
But I have no clue on how to instruct the device to load the NetBSD-INSTALL
that is on the /tftpboot as well.
The device has tinyBIOS and uses Intel PXE-2.0 ROM.

The output I get on the console after all this exchange is the following:

NetBSD/x86 PXE Boot, Revision 5.1 (from NetBSD 5.0.2)
Memory: 555/261120 k
Press return to boot now, or any key for boot menu
Starting 0
type "?" or "help" for help.
boot tftp:netbsd-INSTALL
PXE BIOS Version 2.1
Using PCI device at bus 0 device 9 function 0
Ethernet address 00:0d:1b:f7:02
read header failed: Unknown error: code 60
boot: Unknown error: code 60
Using tcpdump on the server I can see the udp traffic flowing to the device

Any input from anyone more than welcome.
By default netbsd will look for a file named 'netbsd' in the
next-server/root-path.  You can change that if you like and also boot
to a boot.cfg and configure all kinds of crazy stuff.  I did a little
write up here:

<p><font size="2" color="#333333">Max León</br>
Systems Administrator</br>
Roundbox Global an Idhasot Company<font color="#999999">: enterprise : technology : 
Avenida 11 y Calle 7-9, Barrio Amón, San José, Costa Rica</br>
tel: +1 (404) 567-5000 ext. 2071 | cel: +(506) 8364-6261 | fax: +(506) 
email:<a href="";></a>  |<a 

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