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run linux program then "FATAL: kernel too old"

Hello, everyone.

I want to know what will happen if I use linux binary version of gcc to compile a hello world on netbsd.
This is what I have done in VMPlayer on Vista Home Basic,

1) I boot using a CDROM to debian, run "mkfs.ext2 -I 128 /dev/hda2" (If I use fedora installer to fdisk and mkfs, I can't mount it on netbsd for its inode size is not supported) 2) I boot with Fedora installation DVD, install fedora 10 (i686) to /dev/sda2 which is /dev/hda2 I just "mkfs".
(I noticed that the linux kernel of fedora is
3) I mount it to /emul/linux on netbsd5 (i386, generic kernel) and then run "/emul/linux/usr/bin/gcc", it tells me "FATAL: kernel too old"
I tried compile netbsd kernel with -march=i686 but it still didn't work.

Could anyone tell me what does the error message mean, which kernel is too old? what should I do?


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