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Re: Two NetBSDs: from Desktop NetBSD needs your help

Pouya D. Tafti wrote:
On 2009-02-07, Jared D. McNeill <> wrote:
 The goal here is to make it easier to install a modern desktop if you want
one. Why does that bother you? Just say no when the installer asks you and
carry on with your life.

 Now lets get back on track and discuss how you can help, or keep your
whinging about the merits of the project to yourself.

I have no objection in principle to a new-desktop-user mode for the
installer, and would be happy to share my experience as a relatively
inexperienced NetBSD user if it could be helpful.  What I was worried
about was the "split" (and the direction the desktop branch could take
afterwards).  Sorry if I did not make this point clearly enough in my
previous post.
Don't worry, there is no split. Just a bunch of people who use their 
computers for different tasks, hardly a shocker there. Certain people 
who don't accept email from anybody but themselves seem to get upset by 
this, I can't understand why but it really pisses me off.

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