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Announcing NetBSD 5.1.2

On behalf of the NetBSD developers, I am pleased to announce that
NetBSD 5.1.2 is now available for download.  NetBSD 5.1.2 is the second
critical/security update of the NetBSD 5.1 release branch.  It
represents a selected subset of fixes deemed critical for security or
stability reasons.  All users are encouraged to upgrade.

For full details, please see the release notes at:

ISO images can be downloaded using BitTorrent, and we encourage users
who wish to install via ISO images to take advantage of this, as the
images are well seeded.

Complete source and binaries for NetBSD 5.1.2 are available for download
at many sites around the world.  A list of download sites providing FTP,
HTTP, AnonCVS, and other services can be found at:

NetBSD 5.1.2 is dedicated to the memory of Yoshihiro Masuda, who passed
away in May 2011.  He was a spiritual pillar of the BSD community in
Japan.  Through an impressive number of books and articles on BSD, he
gave courage to BSD developers.  We remember his passion and deep love
for BSD.

The NetBSD Foundation would like to thank all those who have
contributed code, hardware, documentation, funds, colocation for our
servers, web pages and other documentation, release engineering, and
other resources over the years.  More information on the people who
make NetBSD happen is available at:

We would like to especially thank the University of California at
Berkeley and the GNU Project for particularly large subsets of code
that we use.  We would also like to thank the Internet Systems
Consortium Inc., the Network Security Lab at Columbia University's
Computer Science Department, and Ludd (Luleaa Academic Computer
Society) computer society at Luleaa University of Technology for
current colocation services.

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