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Re: FWD: Re: Mounting NetBSD partition on voidlinux


On 22.06.23 20:33, Sagar Acharya wrote:
I have found the hex addresses of my files and dirs. Is there a program with which I can recursively extract them from raw hex?
Thanking you
Sagar Acharya

In such cases in the past I had some success with foremost[1]. It detects files on their headers and data structure and tries to reconstruct as many of them as it finds. It has the drawback that it is not able to reconstruct the file names, but it worked reliable for a damaged photo collection back in the day. I was able to reindex the files by reading the exif headers and rename the files based on them.

I think someone mentioned some modern alternative to foremost but I don't remember at the moment.

Kind regards


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