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	hello.  How hard would it be to add ssh/scp to the install image that gets brafted into the
netbsd-INSTALL kernel?  Is it not there because we don't have room on the install image?
Not having ssh capabilities from the install miniroot environment is becoming a real impediment
to doing new installs with images copied from other working machines.  One of my standard
techniques for building a new system is to build a standard machine and keep it as a prototype.
Then, dump/restore its image to a new installation and tweak as necessary for that specific
application.  this gives me all the packages and kernel options I need for our production
environment without having to reacreate them every time I build a new machine.  By booting the
NetBSD-INSTALL kernel, I can escape to a shell, partition the disks on a new machine, mount
them and write these saved images directly to the disk, thereby getting a new working machine
in one step without having to install each package via script or manually.  Traditionally,
I've been copying these images around via ftp, but as I begin using more cloud based services,
it seems like a real security risk to not be able to copy such images in a secure manner.


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