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Re: building netbsd-9 2 'sync' processes stuck in 'tstile'
On Sat, 8 May 2021, Robert Elz wrote:
> From: "John D. Baker" <>
> | I wait until the system is quiescent and/or clients have finished or
> | reached a convenientt stopping point, reboot single user, manually bring
> | up the RAID, check parity and then run 'fsck -yf' on everything, just
> | to be sure, then reboot again.
> Actually, since it looks as if your raidframe parity maps might be
> scrambled, what I'd do (assuming this is raid1, raid5 gets messier)
This is RAID-R (RAID-5 w/rotated sparing).
The only time parity has been out of sync since "The Event" has been
when the UPS gave up before the machines could complete their 'apcupsd'-
initiated shutdowns.
So far, nothing that can't be recoverd has been obviously damaged.
I know I can run 'crash' at any time, but I'd prefer to not risk upsetting
anything if a problem occurs.
I expect to have results in an hour or so when things become quiescent.
|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS NetBSD Darwin/MacOS X
|\ / jdbaker[snail]consolidated[flyspeck]net OpenBSD FreeBSD
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