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Re: Can't set volume options during install?

On Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 06:13:30PM +0000, John Klos wrote:
> How are people supposed to set the block and fragment sizes in the NetBSD
> installer? If it's still possible, it certainly isn't easy to find.

Is it usefull anywhere?

I removed it, thinking noone would care. If there is use for it, I'll re-add
it to the partition details menu:

 We now have your disklabel partitions for vnd0 below.  This is your last  
 chance to chan+------------------------------------------------------------+
               | The current values for this partition are                  |
 Flags: (N)ewfs| displayed below.                                           |
               |                                                            |
      Start (MB| Select the field you wish to change:                       |
    -----------|                                                            |
>a:            |>a:             type : FFSv2                                |
 b:        5990| b:            start : 0 MB                                 |
 c:            | c:             size : 59900 MB                             |
 d:            | d:              end : 59901 MB                             |
    -----------| e:            newfs : Yes                                  |
 f: Change inpu| f:            mount : Yes                                  |
 g: Edit name o| g:    mount options :                                      |
 h: Clone exter| h:      mount point : /                                    |
 i: Cancel     | i: Change input units (sectors/cylinders/MB/GB)            |
 x: Partition s| j: Restore original values                                 |
               | k: Delete partition                                        |
               | l: Cancel                                                  |
               | x: OK                                                      |

It would go before "mount options" and only be available for FFS.

But is it really needed?


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