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Re: NetBSD 9.99.1 Quick Question

On Wed, 31 Jul 2019, Thomas Mueller wrote:

How do users of 8.99.51 and earlier 8.99.x decide whether to go with 9.99.1 or 9.0_BETA?
I am on

NetBSD amelia2 8.99.51 NetBSD 8.99.51 (NetBSD-HEAD amd64.nb899-20190723) #1: Tue Jul 23 13:35:29 GMT 2019  root@amelia2:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/SANDY7 amd64

as I type this; also built i386 from the same source tree.
If you were previously on 8.99.x then you were tracking -current and
not any particular release.  IMHO you should now track the 9.99.x
series, as that is the new -current!

If you intend to deploy a stable 9.0 release (rather than tracking
-current) I would recommend installing 9.0-BETA to help us make the
release as "solid" as possible.

| Paul Goyette       | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:     |
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