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Re: What to do with base X11 for netbsd-9 ?

On Sun, 2 Jun 2019, wrote:

> Well, it does have *a lot* of code related to generation 4 SNA support. I
> guess it's meant to work.

The manual page does say:

  "UXA" (Unified Acceleration Architecture) is the mature backend that
  was introduced to support the GEM driver model.  It is in the process
  of being superseded by "SNA" (Sandybridge's New Acceleration). Until
  that process is complete, the ability to choose which backend to
  use remains for backwards compatibility.

So while it may be meant to work it apparently does not yet for some
devices or the devices are mis-detected as supporting SNA.

|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS               NetBSD     Darwin/MacOS X
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