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Cross-compiling Haiku from NetBSD?

Excerpt from Riccardo Mottola, Subject: Re: issues with touchpad after update:

> Given the above test, it indeed appears to be multi-touch! But not usable...  
> the Scroll bar at right was probably something specific to the windows driver 
> (I don't have windows anymore... I used the other partition to test Haiku) [1]

> Riccardo

> [1] : OffTopic : I always wanted some NetBSD (and FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Linux....)
> stickers to replace the "Window 7" logo ... possibly with the Daemon and/or
> the old logo, Only the new Flag and text is a bit anonymous

You mention Haiku.  Did you ever attempt to cross-compile Haiku from NetBSD?

I tried but never succeeded, apparently because Haiku build system makes assumptions about where certain files are located on host system.  Some of these differ for NetBSD and even FreeBSD.

I changed the subject so as not to be accused of thread hijacking.

Anybody who is interested can respond on this list or on haiku-development list, if they are subscribed to that list, as I am.


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