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Re: Status of 8.99.12

On Mon, 12 Feb 2018, Ryota Ozaki wrote:

2. Whenever I try to shutdown the system, I get a networking-related
   panic.  The following is manually transcribed:

        trap type 4 code 0 rip 0xffffffff802d3f75 cs 0x8 rflags 0x10282
          cr2 0x77e0e931c020 ilevel 0x4 rsp 0xffff80090a7e3c80
        curlwp 0xffffe4afbb6e8700 pid 926.1 lowest kstack
        kernel: protection fault trap, code = 0
        stopped in 926.1 (avahi-daemon) at ip_setmoptions+0x237: movq
        ip_setmoptions + 0x237
        ip_rtloutput + 0x218
        udp_ctloutput + 0x82
        udp_ctloutput_wrapper + 0x2c
        sosetopt + 0x67
        sys_setsockopt + 0x91
        syscall + 0x1ed (syscall #105)
Is the panic fixed by the following patch?

diff --git a/sys/netinet/ip_output.c b/sys/netinet/ip_output.c
index 44d8032f387..2e5e346af91 100644
--- a/sys/netinet/ip_output.c
+++ b/sys/netinet/ip_output.c
@@ -1927,9 +1927,13 @@ ip_drop_membership(struct ip_moptions *imo,
const struct sockopt *sopt)
        * Give up the multicast address record to which the
        * membership points.
-       IFNET_LOCK(imo->imo_membership[i]->inm_ifp);
+    {
+       struct ifnet *inm_ifp = imo->imo_membership[i]->inm_ifp;
+       IFNET_LOCK(inm_ifp);
-       IFNET_UNLOCK(imo->imo_membership[i]->inm_ifp);
+       /* ifp should not leave thanks to solock */
+       IFNET_UNLOCK(inm_ifp);
+    }

        * Remove the gap in the membership array.

Yes it appears to address the problem. Without this patch, the above crash was 100% reproducible (5 out of 5). With this patch applied (and no other changes) I have had 3 consecutive reboots without and problem!
Thanks for the quick turn-around.

| Paul Goyette     | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:          |
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| Kernel Developer | 0786 F758 55DE 53BA 7731 | pgoyette at netbsd dot org |

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