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Re: evbarm builds failing

On 2016/12/30 0:25, coypu%SDF.ORG@localhost wrote:
I've only seen INSTALL stuff being super-duper
minimal thus far. the LOONGSON INSTALL kernel doesn't
even have 'dmesg'.

A tiny install was great for quickly loading over the

I still don't understand why should we reduce just 500KB of kernel size.
Is it then OK with you that the install kernel for RPI includes drivers
for all USB devices? Most of them are not essential for installation.

RPI has another much nicer option for installing, which
is dd'ing rpi.img to an SD card. comes with everything,
all the sets, etc.

Firmware images were added to the install kernels by this commit:

The discussion in port-arm, raised in the commit log,

originated from this post to current-users:

The submitter needed urtwn(4) for connecting RPI to his network. Should
users like him use a large SD card image only for < 100KB firmware? We
can provide an alternative choice by increasing only 500KB of kernel size.

At least, would you please ask port-arm before removing firmware images?


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