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Re: dhcpcd doesn't remove alias address on interface-down?

Hi Paul

On 2015-07-31 03:02, Paul Goyette wrote:
On Fri, 31 Jul 2015, Roy Marples wrote:

This is not normal or expected!
I'm very bogged down in my personal life atm, but it would help if you could capture a tcpdump of the bootp messages on the client whilst rebooting the router. dhcpcd output with the debug directive in dhcpcd.conf would be of benefit as well whilst the reboot happens.
I can get the tcpdump info with

	tcpdump -i re0 -s 2000 port bootps or port bootpc

But how can I capture the dhcpcd output?  Even with -w it forks to the
background as soon as it has an address, so it doesn't log any further
info in stdout/stderr
What I do is this

dhcpcd -dB re0

dhcpcd will also log everything to syslog

I suspect it goes like this.

dhcpcd - what IP do I use?
router - ABCD
dhcpcd - using ABCD
dhcpcd - Renewing ABCD
router - OK
router reboots here
dhcpcd - Renewing ABCD
router - EFGH
dhcpcd - using EFGH

what should have happened is the router issuing a NAK just before EFGH, but I suspect it's not and just changing the IP address given.
Now, dhcpcd *should* do the right thing, but I suspect it isn't.

In any case, the situation might be more complicated.  I just
rebooted, and got one of the earlier addresses ( and
dhcpcd reported

	re0: IP address already exists

I don't know why, but all those addresses and aliases seem to have
survived the dhcpcd restart.
dhcpcd doesn't remove addresses it doesn't know about ..... or as 
accidentally forgotten about, which is the issue we are talking about.
So I guess I need to find some time when I can conduct some more
detailed experiments.  :)
Ah time.
As the years go by it's such a valuable and scarce resource.


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