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Re: incorrect super block w recent changes

I did a newfs run on a sparse file and get a slighly different layout

format  FFSv1
endian  little-endian
magic   11954           time    Thu Apr 30 10:53:04 2015
superblock location     8192    id      [ 5541ed70 4107aafa ]
cylgrp  dynamic inodes  4.4BSD  sblock  FFSv2   fslevel 4
nbfree  7082771 ndir    1       nifree  14233853        nffree  14
ncg     611     size    57561588        blocks  56662183
bsize   16384   shift   14      mask    0xffffc000
fsize   2048    shift   11      mask    0xfffff800
frag    8       shift   3       fsbtodb 2
bpg     11795   fpg     94360   ipg     23296
minfree 5%      optim   time    maxcontig 4     maxbpg  4096
symlinklen 60   contigsumsize 4
maxfilesize 0x000400400402ffff
nindir  4096    inopb   128
avgfilesize 16384       avgfpdir 64
sblkno  8       cblkno  16      iblkno  24      dblkno  1480
sbsize  2048    cgsize  16384
csaddr  1480    cssize  10240
cgrotor 0       fmod    0       ronly   0       clean   0x01

Eliminating the dates, here are the changed lines:

-nbfree 6806519 ndir    7534    nifree  14144970        nffree  15854
+nbfree 7082771 ndir    1       nifree  14233853        nffree  14
-ncg    610     size    57561588        blocks  56663655
+ncg    611     size    57561588        blocks  56662183
-bpg    11796   fpg     94368   ipg     23296
+bpg    11795   fpg     94360   ipg     23296


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