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Re: incorrect super block w recent changes (Martin Husemann) writes:

>bpg     11796   fpg     94368   ipg     23296

The fpg value is not a multiple of NBBY (==8).

This is ensured by mkfs.c 1.96. How old is your filesystem?

revision 1.96
date: 2006-01-11 23:03:51 +0100;  author: dsl;  state: Exp;  lines: +18 -15;
The 'cylinder group' size calculation was incorrect.  If the cylinder groups
were full then not enough bits were left for the inode allocation map.
Always put a multiple of 8 fragments (and non-zero) inodes into the eqns
so that answer is correct.
Fix the sum that may discard the last cylinder group if it isn't large enough
to contain all its inodes.
Spotted during some other tests, eg:
$ newfs -s 109610 -n1 -f512 -b4096 -N -O2 -F ./z
CGSIZE miscalculated 4097 > 4096

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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