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Re: Base lua gpio binding vs. pkgsrc lua extensions like lua-socket

Am 25.03.15 um 23:17 schrieb Joerg Sonnenberger:

Hi Joerg and all,

>> How would I stick it together to have a lua(1) environment having both,
>> gpio binding and the socket extension? I've tried to adjust LUA_PATH and
>> LUA_CPATH to make lua able to find the extensions, but it seems to have
>> some incompatibilities:
>> /usr/bin/lua: error loading module 'socket.core' from file
>> '/usr/pkg/lib/lua/5.3/socket/':
>>     /usr/pkg/lib/lua/5.3/socket/ Undefined PLT symbol
>> "luaL_checkint" (symnum = 49)
>> Any ideas?
> You are mixing different Lua versions?

It seems, there are some issues with LUA5.3 in pkgsrc, which are not
related to the gpio binding. (ie: lua5.2 + net/lua-socket build against
lua52 just works, doing the same with lua5.3 in pkgsrc and build
lua-socket with it gave me the above mentioned error).

I finally compiled the base's gpio binding for pkgsrc's LUA5.2 and that
combination works :)


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