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Re: non-executable script after netbsd-6 to -current update causes tool build failure.

On Fri, 18 Apr 2014, John D. Baker wrote:
 permission denied
Is this another instance where a script should be run by explicit shell invocation?
Yes.  Without exception, all scripts run during the build should 
be run under an explicitly specified interpreter.  They should not 
rely on execute permission, they should not rely on the "#!" line 
being correct, and they should not assume that /bin/sh is a usable 
Several years ago, I ran builds on a system where /bin/sh was a 
script that logged all uses of itself, and where HOST_SH pointed 
to a real shell under a name other than /bin/sh, and I fixed all 
the problems that were exposed.  It seems to be time to do that 
again, to fix new problems that have been introduced since the 
previous sweep.
--apb (Alan Barrett)

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