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Re: Adding an interrupt locator to the GPIO, I2C and SPI buses


On 19/04/2013 17:12, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 12:50:37PM +0000, Pierre Pronchery wrote:
>> On Fri, 19 Apr 2013 10:01:46 +0200, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
>>> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 05:31:41PM +0200, Pierre Pronchery wrote:
>>>> Another option could be to:
>>>> - add a call returning the corresponding interrupt for a given pin, eg
>>>>   gpio_to_irq() (and return -1 when the requested type isn't supported)
>>>> - use intr_establish() as for regular drivers.
>>>> That's what Linux does, as far as I could tell from the OMAP code that
>>>> I've read there.
>>> That would be a problem if the GPIO module has less interrupt lines than
>>> interrupt sources (as in the AM335x: 32 GPIO per module but only 2
>>> interrupt lines to the PIC):
>> Tell me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you understood what's happening 
>> here: the GPIO interrupt range that I described on OMAP is virtual. 
>> Therefore, gpio_to_irq() would return a virtual interruption number.
> But the interrupt framework doesn't know about "virtual interruption number".
> Only the gpio driver knows it. So you can't use intr_establish() (which
> is from the interrupt framework, not the gpio driver) with it.

As a matter of fact it doesn't have to. I can use intr_establish(),
because I am doing it and it works already (even without the patch I
attached earlier here). Just look at my original e-mail in this thread
(first paragraph + example).

>> The underlying GPIO bus driver would be in charge to determine which pin 
>> really triggered the interrupt, and tell the corresponding driver. The 
>> OMAP GPIO driver does exactly this already.
> Yes, of course. So the interrupt framework calls the GPIO interrupt handler,
> which calls the driver's handler. It's the GPIO driver which has to know
> the driver's interrupt handler, not the interrupt framework.
> So the driver has to register its interrupt handler to the GPIO driver,
> not to the interrupt framework.

Consider this:
int gpio_to_irq(void * gpio, int pin);

The GPIO _device_ driver wants to know which virtual interrupt
corresponds to a given pin. It calls gpio_to_irq() with ga_gpio as
obtained from "struct gpio_attach_args". This call reaches the GPIO
_bus_ driver, which:
- knows its own actual interrupt number, but we don't care;
- knows its interrupt range reference, which it registered to the
  underlying interrupt multiplexer, and adds to "pin" and returns.

Voila, you have the virtual interrupt, and you can call intr_establish().


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