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Re: Adding an interrupt locator to the GPIO, I2C and SPI buses


> in the process of writing more drivers for the Nokia N900 (OMAP3) I
> realize that quite a few devices and sensors interrupt on GPIO pins. I
> finally understood recently that the GPIO pins are actually usable
> directly as interrupt identifiers, as referenced in their respective
> "intrbase" locators. An example to illustrate this:
> omapgpio0 at obio1 addr 0x48310000 size 0x0400 intrbase 96 intr 29
> Here, a bunch of pins belonging to [what really is] gpio0 interrupt
> internally as 29, but in turn each pin is individually usable as an
> interrupt identifier as 96 + the pin offset:
> - pin 1 is mapped as interrupt 96
> - pin 2 is at 97
> - ...and so on for as many pins as found on gpio0 (here 32)
> For the devices or sensors found on either of the GPIO, I2C or SPI buses
> and interrupting on a GPIO pin, I think it would totally make sense to
> be able to specify the proper pin directly within the kernel
> configuration file. In my particular case, the configuration file would
> then look like this:
> n900cambtn0 at gpio2 offset 4 mask 0x3 intr 164 #165 too actually
> n900acad0 at gpio0 offset 7 mask 0x1 intr 103
> n900kbdslide0 at gpio2 offset 7 mask 0x1 intr 167
> n900lckbtn0 at gpio3 offset 17 mask 0x1 intr 209
> stmemsis0 at iic2 addr 0x1d intr 277
> tsc2005ts0 at spi0 slave 0 intr 196
> wilink0 at spi3 slave 0 intr 138
> This makes sense on the GPIO bus too, because a given device may use
> multiple pins (eg as input/output) while having a separate one for
> interrupts.

Not all interrupt capable GPIO devices work like the ones you find on
the N900.  Basically, you are a adressing the issue at the wrong level.

Here is how this should really work:

The low-level gpio driver, let's call it n900gpio, should report to the
gpio(4) framework which of it's pins are interrupt capable (that needs a
new pin capability).  And when a a driver like n900cambtn(4) attaches at
a certain GPIO pin, it checks whether this pin is interrupt capable,
bails out if it is not, enables the interrupt otherwise.  This needs an
extension of the current GPIO framework, something that is needed
anyways (see the BUGS section of gpio(4)...).

The kernel configuration could then look like this:

n900gpio0 at whateverbus0
gpio0 at n900gpio0
n900cambtn0 at gpio0 offset 4 mask 3

> I am attaching a patch that implements this extra locator for the GPIO,
> I2C and SPI buses. I have tested it successfully on GPIO and I2C; I
> would like to have positive feedback before I commit it.

At least in the GPIO case the diff is not ok, please do not commit it.
I can offer to work on general interrupting capabilities of the GPIO
framework, I even have hardware I can test that with.  We could work
together towards a solution that is generally usable and that avoids
such hacks.

Also your patch completely ignores the gpioctl(8) command, which is used
among other things to attach drivers to individual GPIO pins at runtime.
 If any new locator would be added to gpio(4), gpioctl(8) would have to
reflect that.

> The second patch illustrates how it lets me get rid of the locators I
> had to hard-code for the first two N900 drivers that I have committed so
> far.
> HTH,

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