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Re: netbsd-6 instability - vmem

There is another thread, started by Richard Hansen, about a somewhat
separate issue.   There seem to be multiple bugs in handling running out
of memory (KVA more than pages??).  You might try Richard's patch to the

I am guessing that there's a bug in swap-on-cgd (that KASSSERTed) and a
separate bug in swap-on-raidframe.

I would suggests reading the code around the KASSERT that fired, and see
if you can understand what went wrong, or if you can add an earlier

I suspect your add-regular-add-raidframe-remove-regular case will fail
eventually; it would be odd if that were somehow different.

I wonder if the code to handle paging out is running out of kva.

Do you have an elevated maxvnodes?

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