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Re: iwn, wpa_supplicant, and wpa2 enterprise

On Jun 3,  6:32pm, ("Pouya D. Tafti") wrote:
-- Subject: Re: iwn, wpa_supplicant, and wpa2 enterprise

| This is what I see.  (I hope it is what you asked for; I'm a complete
| newbie to kernel/os programming...).  Please also see below also for
| the relevant part of dmesg.  The fatal firmware error appears only
| when wpa_supplicant is activated in rc.conf.  I had to do a cold
| reboot because the system dies when syncing disks, so I typed
| everything from the screen; sorry about eventual typos.

Excellent, that is what I need :-)


| uvm_fault(0xffffffff80ab21e0, 0xffff80200767a000, 1) -> e
| fatal page fault in supervisor mode
| trap type 6 code 0 rip ffffffff803ae51a cs 8 rflags 10286 cr2
| ffff80200767a1a0 cpl 6 rsp ffff80004e1428f0
| kernel: page fault trap, code=3D0
| Stopped in pid 110.1 (wpa_supplicant) at        netbsd:kern_free+0x2d:
|  movzwl  0
| (%rbx),%r12d
| db {3}> t
| kern_free() at netbsd:kern_free+0x2d
| iwn_init()  at netbsd:iwn_init+0x368
| iwn_ioctl() at netbsd:iwn_ioctl+0xe4
| ifioctl() at netbsd:ifioctl()+0x1e4
| soo_ioctl() at netbsd:soo_ioctl+0x2a5
| sys_ioctl() at netbsd:sys_ioctl+0xe9
| syscall() at netbsd:syscall+0xaa
| ++ dmesg output ++
| iwn0: fatal firmware error
| firmware error log:
|   error type =3D "NMI_INTERRUPT_INST_ACTION_PT" (0x00000013)
|   program counter =3D 0x000007AC
|   source line =3D 0x00023CA2
|   error data =3D 0x0000000407030000
|   branch link =3D 0x000006720000083A
|   interrupt link =3D 0x000009B20001ADEC
|   time =3D 138866
| driver status:
|   tx ring  0: qid=3D0  cur=3D0   queued=3D0
|   tx ring  1: qid=3D1  cur=3D0   queued=3D0
|   tx ring  2: qid=3D2  cur=3D0   queued=3D0
|   tx ring  3: qid=3D3  cur=3D0   queued=3D0
|   tx ring  4: qid=3D4  cur=3D0   queued=3D0
| .
| .
| .
|   tx ring 19: qid=3D19 cur=3D0   queued=3D0
|   rx ring: cur=3D6
|   802.11 state 0
| iwn0: could not query calibration
| iwn0: could not initialize hardware
| iwn0: cannot assign link-local address
| iwn0: timeout waiting for adapter to initialize
| iwn0: could not initialize hardware
| iwn0: timeout waiting for adapter to initialize
| uvm_fault(0xffffffff80ab21e0, 0xffff80200767a000, 1) -> e
| fatal page fault in supervisor mode
| trap type 6 code 0 rip ffffffff803ae51a cs 8 rflags 10286 cr2
| ffff80200767a1a0 cpl 6 rsp ffff80004e1428f0
-- End of excerpt from "Pouya D. Tafti"

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