On Feb 3, 2010, at 11:05 AM, Noah McNallie wrote:
Hello, after compiling HEAD kernel/tools and thoes installing, what is the
correct way to upgrade some sets, for example base.tgz
i was in /opt/tar with base.tgz and did a tar -zxvf base.tgz -C /
(probably should have used the -p), though... well.. no commands would run
after that, i forget the exact error i was getting
but after that on boot the kernel started spitting out debug information etc
and would not proceed.
As others have said, if you didn't use -p, lots of things will break.
I'm concerned, though, about your question of upgrading "some" sets. If you
don't have new-enough libraries (e.g., from base), things that depend on them will fail
badly. You should also not just build but install a new kernel before installing any
sets from it.
--Steve Bellovin, http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb