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Re: Transmission broken with -current?

On 6/15/2009 1:34 AM, Tobias Nygren wrote:
On Sun, 14 Jun 2009 09:54:20 -0700
Scott Ellis<>  wrote:

I upgraded from a May 2nd amd64/-current to one as of June 14th, and am
experiencing weird breakage with "Transmission".  When an RPC is used
(e.g., transmission-remote against transmission-daemon) I get a bus
error.  Backtrace shows:
I see a similar crash, but couldn't make much sense of the backtrace.
It seems to run on current/i386, but falls over immediately on amd64.

Swiching from kqueue to select and from the bundled libevent to the one
from pkgsrc didn't help. (the latter will be changed anyway with the
next update).

As another data point here, running a June 14th userland with the May 
2nd kernel (yes, this makes me feel dirty, but it was an easy 
configuration to test) still exhibits the same problem.  Reverting 
wholesale to the May 2nd kernel+userland works, of course.
So it seems this is really a kernel+userland issue...or maybe I'm just 
going crazy. :-)

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