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Re: usb flash drive removal (Re: Desktop NetBSD needs your help)

I'm going to express my 2 cents worth here, even though I am unworthy
of running NetBSD and have contributed little.

Removing a removable device should not crash the system.

Being able to plug it back in with no ill effects (or a message that
says it can't be done safely) would be nice but, ONLY after removing
it doesn't crash the system.

Better to have a false alarm that something may not work correctly
than no alarm when it doesn't/won't/can't work correctly.

Apologies for stating the obvious.  Now back to lurking on my NetBSD 
desktop, sitting next to my NetBSD mail, web server (non-commercial),
next to my NetBSD cable router, next to my NetBSD ...


P.S. - I installed NetBSD on my MacBook Pro (Under Fusion) but, OSX had
       all the X/*ix stuff that I needed so that effort withered on the

P.P.S. - On my NetBSD desktop; Twm, Exmh,  iCal (lots of other dinosaur 
         JDK6, Perl5+ and SeaMonkey (SeaMonkey !!! YES!! what an 

P.P.P.S. - now back to lurking and this time I really mean it.

>  On Mon, Feb 09, 2009 at 11:57:01AM -0500, Arnaud Lacombe wrote:
>  > Not speaking that you'll need to keep track of every
>  > possible unique ID that can exist, good luck.
>  Not forgetting the the supposedly unique device-id probably isn't
>  I've seen CF cards with identical ids.
>       David
>  -- 
>  David Laight:

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