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Re: Why is Desktop NetBSD a threat to NetBSD ? <netbsd-desktop-manager>

>       which of the above threaten your NetBSD experience?

I work on application of Desktop which call "NetBSD-Desktop-Manager". The idea 
inspired by various developpement and research project, The basic idea of this 
work is to unify the proper philosophy of NetBSD,, has to know "admin-freindly" 
and "user-freindly".
Moreover , project idea is based on o work done by "Jan Schaumann:";, which talk about the 
distribution of desktop.

This application is developed by write:
Python,Vala,NetBSD Syscall.

among my objectif:

- The configuration of "boot", oriented-user terminology
- The configuration of GNOME desktip, Include (NetBSD Wallpapers, screenhost
- The configuration of the basic security of the system-desktop or 
- high dependecy of NetBSD userland.

The Project still on study

Thank you


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