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Re: /usr/X11R6 ?

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 08:02:01PM +0000, Matthias Scheler wrote:
> On 26 Nov 2008, at 17:08, Mandacarú Cascavel wrote:
>> I have to edit /etc/rc.d/xdm after each update. Shouldn't the
>> line:
>> command="/usr/X11R6/bin/${name}"
>> be changed to X11R7, once xorg has become the default X server for  
>> current?
> isn't the default for all ports. In the meantime you should be  
> able
> to work around this problem by creating a file "/etc/rc.conf.d/xdm" with
> the following line in it:
> command="/usr/X11R7/bin/${name}"

FWIW I have a fix for that which is ready to commit (a lot better than
what I posted a while ago), but I'm waiting for comments from a couple
people.  Shouldn't last longer than the week-end.

Quentin Garnier - -
"See the look on my face from staying too long in one place
[...] every time the morning breaks I know I'm closer to falling"
KT Tunstall, Saving My Face, Drastic Fantastic, 2007.

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