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Re: Headphones output error under azalia

Friday 07 of November 2008 12:36:03 Marcin M. Jessa napisaƂ(a):
> Piotr Adamus wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > azalia driver under i386 doesn't produce the sound on headphones.
> Issues with Azalia have been discussed on the list before. The driver is
> still not "optimal" so to say ...
> Here is how I turn on my headphones and adjust the sound level.
> #!/bin/sh
> case ${1} in
>         # Turn internal speakers on
>         [Ss])
>                 mixerctl -w outputs.lineout.eapd=on
>                 mixerctl -w outputs.lineout=180,180
>                 mixerctl -w outputs.headphones=0,0
>         ;;
>         # Turn internal speakers off and turn on headphones
>         [Hh])
>                 mixerctl -w outputs.lineout.eapd=off
>                 mixerctl -w outputs.headphones=252,252
>         ;;
>         "")
>         echo "Please use one of following: h(eadphones)  or s(peakers)"
> esac


unfortunatelly your solution doesn't work. Still sound is very quite on 
headphones. Shall I report it as PR??

Thank you,

With kind regards,


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