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Re: cc -m32 support

Well, i use gnash to play Youtube videos, but occasionally it stops to play and never plays again untill i reboot machine.

Most of flash animations work properly, ie; banner adverts and similar ones.


Thomas E. Spanjaard, 10/29/08 16:15:
Matthias Scheler wrote:
On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 02:22:06PM +1100, matthew green wrote:
what you want is in sys/compat/linux32 and already exists
but i don't know what the status of it is.
It works well enough under NetBSD-current to use a 32Bit Flash plugin
in a 64bit NetBSD Firefox 3.0.* via "nsplugginwrapper".

As for that, it seems to only work once; e.g. on YouTube, the first
Flash movie encountered works fine but any subsequent movies result in
audio-only (the canvas for the video remains grey).


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