Building current with MKXORG=YES on a 4.0 system fails: cleandir ===> external/mit/xorg/bin/glxgears usage: rm [-f|-i] [-dPRrvW] file ... --- cleanx11man --- *** [cleanx11man] Error code 1 1 error nbmake: stopped in /u1/netbsd-current/src/external/mit/xorg/bin/glxgearsUnlike in current, in 4.0 rm -f will fail if no argument is supplied, see revision 1.47 of src/bin/rm/rm.c:
date: 2008/05/26 14:12:06; author: christos; state: Exp; lines: +8 -6PR/38754: murray armfield: Rm prints diagnostic messages when invoked with -f
and no other arguments, contrary to POSIX. Also cosmetic fixes. -- aew
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