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Re: Build Failure - no html manual files

On Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 06:15:49PM -0500, David Dudley wrote:
  | Not that I know of, but previously, I hadn't deleted my obj directory
  | before a build, and since the last time I did, I've done a number of
  | successful builds on 4.99.72.
  | What argument in /etc/mk.conf would affect this, and I'll check for it.

MKHTML controls building of the html manual pages under */man/html[1-9]/.
Other MK variables such as MKMAN=no or MKSHARE=no may disable html
manual pages.

However, setting these to no (e.g., MKHTML=no) should also prevent the
set lists for complaining about missing html manual pages.

Try cleaning out your objdir and your destdir (i.e, a complete fresh
build) and see how that goes.

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