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Re: Using Linux Emulation libraries

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 09:38:59AM -0500, David Dudley wrote:
> You're right, the message is 'Shared Object "" not
> found'.  Problem is, none of the libraries used by the software
> reference this library, so I'm trying to figure out how it gets
> referenced.  A number of other programs use the libraries also, and none
        Is libnss_dns listed as an actual dependency in the output of ldd
(or objdump -p) then it's almost certainly the last part of your build
when you actually link the binary.  I would suggest moving all the
linux libraries and binaries out of the way (e.g. rename /usr/pkg/emul)
and rebuild again.  In the worst case, you can always create a stub
libnss_dns library as a NetBSD binary to at least get a little farther
towards getting things working.

> of them try to reference this, but the program in question is being
> imported using the definitions for Linux and Solaris, so I'm wondering
> if something different is being done for them.

        eh?  "imported"?  I'm not quite sure what you mean by this.


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