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Re: NetBSD on sd0 (memory) and CGD on wd0... success but


I'm planning to use init.root=/cgdroot. Before setting up clean installation, i have question, and thanks in advance for your reply.
wd0 => Standart /
cgd0 => CGD partition

*wd0a/netbsd4.0* => cgd enabled 4.0 kernel
*wd0a/netbsd *=> Most recent (current) kernel
*cgd0a/netbsd* => copy of above wd0a/netbsd (Most recent (current) kernel)

I plan to use "wd0a/netbsd4.0" in single user mode only while "wd0a/netbsd" in multi-user mode... Do you think, i have to synchronize wd0a userland, or there is no need to do that, because there will be "wd0a/netbsd4.0" kernel and its own clean 4.0 userland under wd0a.
I assume wd0a/netbsd kernel will not use wd0a userland while multi-user 
booting. It will only process (i hope) cgd.conf, fstab and sysctl.conf 
and maybe similar configuration files. This is not clean in documents 
(or i didnt notice the answer)


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