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Build failure - in-tree xfree

I've just recently rearranged my build environment, and sources etc. are no longer in /usr (they're all under /build/ now).
While trying to do a ' release' I got the following messages:

do-x11 ===> .
--- do-x11 ---
build ===> x11
--- check_X11SRCDIR ---

ERROR: X11SRCDIR.xc `/usr/xsrc/xfree/xc' does not exist
*** [check_X11SRCDIR] Error code 1
1 error

Shouldn't check_X11SRCDIR be looking in '../xsrc/xfree/' (relative to current working directory /build/src ) rather than a hard-coded absolute path?
For now, I can obviously avoid the problem by creating a symlink, but 
this shouldn't really be necessary, should it?

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