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Error in /etc/rc.d/staticroute

It appears that /etc/rc.d/staticroute expects the file /etc/route.conf to contain lines of text that describe individual static routes. If the line starts with a '+' it is processed only during the "start" command, and if the line starts with a '-' it is processed only during the "stop" command.

But if the line does not start with either '+' or '-' it should be processed during both "start" and "stop". Unfortunately the current /etc/rc.d/staticroute.conf seems to prepend a '-' in this case, leading to a command syntax error when the rest of the line is passed to /sbin/route

I think the following patch should be applied. Either that, or my understanding of what was intended is rather broken!

Index: staticroute
RCS file: /cvsroot/src/etc/rc.d/staticroute,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -p -r1.2 staticroute
--- staticroute 13 Aug 2004 18:08:03 -0000      1.2
+++ staticroute 31 Jan 2008 13:21:03 -0000
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ staticroute_doit() {
                                [ $2 = "delete" ] && eval ${args#*-}
-                               route -q $2 -$args
+                               route -q $2 $args
                done < /etc/route.conf

|   Paul Goyette   | PGP DSS Key fingerprint: |  E-mail addresses:   |
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