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LOCKDEBUG+DEBUG is very slow (was: Re: qemu is very slow)

On Wed Jan 09 2008 at 13:54:44 +0200, Andreas Gustafsson wrote:
> Antti Kantee wrote:
> > Has anyone else noticed qemu being really slow for i386 on -current?
> > E.g. boot of 4.99.48 takes several times longer than boot of 4.99.42.
> > The host is the same.
> I couldn't reproduce this, though my 4.99.48 is a few days old
> (20080104-1955 EET).

After some more testing, turns out that qemu is not the problem,
it's DEBUG+LOCKDEBUG.  Without them in the kernel running rc.d is 3-4
times faster.  The slowness doesn't seems to present itself with just
one or the other.

I don't know if that's an artifact of qemu or will the changes affect
all platforms; haven't tried real hardware yet.

Antti Kantee <>                     Of course he runs 
    "la qualité la plus indispensable du cuisinier est l'exactitude"

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