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ACPI functionality loss for older i386 mainboards with -current acpi changes during 2007


Testing -current's acpi functionality on 2 older i386 mainboards

  ASUS A7M266-D

(still) shows severe problems:

- Both are not able to power down ('shutdown -p now'). Both freezes
  the machines after synching the disks.

- On the P3B-F -current is no longer capable to simply reboot the
  machine (after synching the disks a lot of error messages of its
  scsi controller appear and the machine is unresponsive).

This simple/basic (acpi) functionality was working fine on both
machines running -current of/at the beginning of 2007 and was lost
during further -current changes in 2007 till now. Searching yields some other people having similar problems
with their (older?) mainboards, too.

As commented by Joerg Sonnenberger <> in
private mail the apci bios of the A7M266-D seems to be broken, but I
couldn't find a way to solve this (acpi-iasl, ACPI_DSDT_OVERRIDE

So, what will be -current's 'solution' for these mainboards?

No longer acpi supported? (Stick to netbsd-4? Didn't try this yet...)

Would be nice if this functionality could be 'reactivated' for older
mainboards / broken acpi bios' as it was working before.

Any help appreciated!

I can provide further info / testing of these 2 mentioned mainboards.



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