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Re: short reads on unix stream on netbsd-10

> [...] for perfused(8) a few years ago.  See section 3.3 of my
> EuroBSDcon paper if you are curious of the details.

Heh.  Reading that reminds me of my own run-ins with puffs.  I
implemented a gitfs (present git repos as a filesystem) using puffs,
only to find it deadlocking the machine.  It wasn't quite your
deadlock, but was related; my deadlock looked more like, puffs request
leads daemon to fork git, git tries to access (local FFS) filesystem,
FFS code wants a new vnode, VFS code tries to clean a vnode and picks a
puffs vnode (which the daemon can't do anything with because it's
waiting for git).  I then made the daemon more asynchronous; then, it
wound up locking up the machine in a more obscure way I still don't
really understand.

I've given up on puffs (though it sounds as though your work improved
it significantly in these regards - I was/am using the 5.2 version);
one of my back-burner projects is to build a library that, essentially,
reimplements parts of the filesystem machinery (notably mount points)
in userspace, so my HTTP and FTP daemons can present something that
looks like a gitfs mount point to their clients.

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