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conversion: vendor branches and release tags


While taking a closer look at the othersrc repository (converted using
wip/cvs2fossil and wip/cvs2hg), Luke and I noticed that for 'vendor'
imports, i.e. upstream imports of sources, the method used in the
scripts produces Mercurial bookmarks for the vendor "branches" and the
release tags seem to be completely missing.

I.e. for a
     cvs import path/to/foo VENDOR RELASE_1_2_3
the import ends up on an unnamed branch whose HEAD has a a bookmark
"VENDOR", and I can't find "RELEASE_1_2_3" anywhere.

Comparing this to the official src conversion (on I see
that the vendor branches are Mercurial branches (not bookmarks).

So now I'm wondering:

- how do we get the import release (not vendor) tags into the

- do we prefer Mercurial branches to bookmarks for the conversion?

- if yes, how do I get branches from cvs2fossil's output instead of


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