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Re: readelf -d listing on NetBSD/amd64 9.4 (Re: on 9.3 fails with clean environment

On 3/24/25 13:36, Makoto Fujiwara wrote:
- Udated (NetBSD/amd64) 9.3 host to 9.4
- Newly setup chroot and bootstrap
- run pbulk with devel/cabel-fmt only

Gave me the problematic result as before.
On the same machine, outside of chroot,
at devel/cabal-fmt, I did make package.
and then
readelf gives following line

thinkc-01@makoto 12:50:39/250324(..devel/cabal-fmt)% \
readelf -d /tmp/devel/cabal-fmt/work/cabal-fmt-0.1.12/dist/build/cabal-fmt/cabal-fmt  |grep -i rpath | tr ':' '\012'
  0x000000000000000f (RPATH)              Library rpath

Thank you for giving me the data. The last one is wrong. It's very wrong. Executables or shared libraries must not contain RPATHs relative to WRKDIR, and our GHC (lang/ghc910) is patched[1] so that it won't produce those bad RPATHs. I still have no idea why it doesn't work on your machines.

As a comparison the same executable on my machine has only the first three of the RPATHs:

  % readelf -d work/cabal-fmt-0.1.12/dist/build/cabal-fmt/cabal-fmt |
 grep -i rpath | tr ':' '\012'
   0x000000000000000f (RPATH)              Library rpath

[1]: lang/ghc910/patches/patch-libraries_Cabal_Cabal_src_Distribution_Simple_GHC_Build_Link.hs, hunk #2

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