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Re: Build failure tooling improvements

* On 2025-03-23 at 10:06 GMT, Edgar Fuß wrote:

I don't know how easy that would be but having an 'all-options on' and
an 'all-options off' build would probably catch most of the option
What about option groups, e.g. pgsql vs. mysql?

Yeh, a full implementation of this would be a reasonable amount of work and some discussion about the design, but I think a good start that would be easy to implement while still covering a lot of cases would be two additional build configurations: one that has PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS of "foo", and one that has "-foo", for every option listed in mk/defaults/options.description.

That way it shouldn't fall foul of any package-specific requirements, but still test the usual suspects that cause the most fallout, e.g. doc, nls, etc.

Jonathan Perkin          
Open Source Complete Cloud

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