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Re: Regarding MESSAGEs during pkg_add installation of meta packages

Am 22.03.25 um 15:35 schrieb Solvable Hat:
I glanced <> and https://;a=tree <https://;a=tree> , I understood nothing. It is totally different from github and gitlab.

It's Git but not GitHub. So you can clone the repo with "git clone". If you want to push to it, you need to ask wiz@ for an account and send him an SSH key for authentication.

Now, one thing I don't understand, after cloning pkgsrc-win git repo, what should I do? I opened a package, 7-zip-zstd <https://;a=tree;f=7-zip- zstd;hb=HEAD> , I did not understand how a package is so small, i.e., lines of code.

Think of pkgsrc as a set of recipes for building software. It doesn't contain, say, 7-zip-std itself, but a procedure for downloading the sources and building it.

Take a look at, in particular Chapter 12 and the following ones:

You should start by downloading the sources for pkgsrc itself. Then you can clone the wip repo into a "wip" subdirectory. Then bootstrap pkgsrc and try "make package-install" in the directory you mentioned, and see what happens.

Does that make sense?


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