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Re: Regarding MESSAGEs during pkg_add installation of meta packages

So I don't pay attention to the
project descriptions, and don't mentor *within* the GSOC context.
Yeah, I am totally fine with it. Anyways, I am getting to learn new things out of my comfort zone.

The normal new path for a pkgsrc contributor is creating new packages
(in pkgsrc-wip) or preparing updates to existing packages.  Often this
is driven by someone using pkgsrc and finding that they want a package
to exist or be better.  I'm not saying that's the only path, just that
it's typical.

I glanced and;a=tree , I understood nothing. It is totally different from github and gitlab.

I am unclear on linux syscall for emulation status, but that is probably
more the big chunk of programming/debugging that would cause you to
really learn something, and do something that others aren't doing
becuase it's too big.

I had mailed about it. I actually had a hope that it would work out. He (manu), sent a paper written by him 24 years back. After reading that I was confident I can start working on emulating syscalls.
And then one day, he ghosted. I don't know what went wrong, or maybe something I did, he has not replied to my mails since.... 

Now, one thing I don't understand, after cloning pkgsrc-win git repo, what should I do? I opened a package, 7-zip-zstd , I did not understand how a package is so small, i.e., lines of code.

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