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Re: pkgin suggesting pkg downgrade?

* On 2025-03-20 at 19:42 GMT, Benny Siegert wrote:

Am 20.03.25 um 09:06 schrieb Jonathan Perkin:
I forgot to mention.  The recommended workaround that I tell my users who want to build e.g. a custom package that pkgin will ignore for updates is to change the PKGPATH, as then pkgin will consider the remote package to be a different package and will not replace it.

In Debian, you can tell dpkg (or apt?) to "hold" a package, which will cause the package manager to skip it on operations:

          A package marked to be on hold is kept on the same version,
          that is, no automatic new installs, upgrades or removals will
          be performed on them, unless these actions are requested
          explicitly, or are permitted to be done automatically with the
          --force-hold option.

It would be great to have this for the case of manually updated packages like this one.

Right, this is what I don't really want to implement because there are so many ways it can break, and I'll always value clear, reliable, and unambiguous behaviour, but if people really want it and understand the risks then we'll probably have to offer it at some point, with suitably dire warnings.

Jonathan Perkin          
Open Source Complete Cloud

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